Sunday, January 31, 2010

Winter Weekends full of cooking!!

Been a great weekend for cooking!

A friend came over for wine and cheese on friday - and i remembered that I really need to start logging these events. I wish I had starting taking pix of wine and cheese night 8 years ago - I would have some great photos and archives to look back on!

One of the wines we had was excellent and a gift from Mom -
Another was a bottle our friend brought over, Lyeth Cabernet Sauvignon...can't remember the vintage on that one.

The cheeses we had included a Talleggio, aParranno, a Boule de Perigord with black truffles.
We had some olives, steamed atrichokes (I need to work on my technique with these), and fresh roasted red peppers, along with some hot soppresatt and regular peppered salami. Pepper shooters and peppardews, too. We also had the usual array of dips, this time featuring my favorite mint and pistachio pesto and some almond olive paste.

I also made several casseroles for a baby shower I co-hosted saturday. I made a chicken and spinach manicotti and eggplant parm. Did not make my own sauce due to time restrictions, but got rave reviews on both nonetheless!

We also made some chili for a chili cookoff at a friend's house. It came out "OK". Better luck next time, I think. We really need to work on our chili skills...

Breakfast was a fritatta made with anaheim, poblano and red pepper surplus from the chili making yesterday. It was excellent with some added colby cheese and fresh cliantro.

Currently, I am making a lamb and eggplant stew based on a recipe I found online. So far, it smells good, but I'm not convinced it's going to come out as well as expected....well, I guess we can always fall back on leftover cheese! And if it turns out well, I will post the recipe.

I have been doing a TON of dishes today : )

Monday, January 25, 2010

Quote of the Day 01/25/2010

"To read a newspaper is to refrain from reading something worthwhile. The first discipline of education must therefore be to refuse resolutely to feed the mind with canned chatter." - Aleister Crowley

What do you think Mr. Crowley would have thought about social networking and web 2.0?

Nice AIIM Article on E records management implementation

Got this Carl Weise article via @juliecolgan RT @BethMayhew
Implementing Electronic Records Management: A lot more than software

It may be very handy for communicating our process to colleagues; sometimes users have a tough time understanding why we "can't just throw up a folder structure" and let them have at it. It's a liiiitttllle more involved than that.